In our florist you will find a rich selection of cut and potted flowers, arrangements, ceramics, candles, wreaths and gift items. A number of tied congratulatory, occasional or mourning bouquets and wreaths are ready for you. Of course, we will be happy to tie a bouquet according to your wishes or provide flower arrangements for every occasion.
Mon~Fri: 8.00-18.00 h
Sat: 8.00-15.00 h
Sun: 10.00-14.00 h
Mon: 8.00-16.00 h Tue~Fri: 8.00-17.00 h
Sat: 8.00-15.00 h
Sun: Closed
until 2 hours
Free delivery
from 45€
from premium suppliers
More than 20 years
of experience
team of florists