This romantic bouquet is crafted from passionate red roses. As the centerpiece, we use premium deep-red Ecuadorian roses, highly prized for their superior quality, long-lasting vaselife, beautiful shape, and rich color. The overall impression is further enhanced by a luxurious arrangement of red velvet ribbon. With beautiful red roses and high-quality florist craftsmanship, this bouquet is sure to evoke emotions and leave a lasting impression.
Quality Grade: Exclusive A1 (highest)
Stem Length: 70cm
Bloom Diameter: 6-8cm
(The picture shows bouquet in Extra Large size)
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To enjoy the beauty of flowers for a longer period, we will automatically add flower food for cut flowers to each bouquet, which you simply need to add to the vase before filling it with fresh water. You can also significantly extend the life of cut flowers by freshly cutting their stems with a sharp knife before placing them in a vase.